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In addition to being a working clinician, I'm also a trained and experienced facilitator.  So, unlike many other clinical trainings, all of my training programs are based on principles of adult learning, are experientially based and skill focused. 

I want participants to leave any training with specific skills that they can immediately start to apply in their own context.  So, in each workshop or webinar, there are learning techniques that encompass multiple learning styles and content delivery methods.  Each program also includes experiential activities and group exercises.  The ultimate focus is always on developing practical skills.  They are not based on a boring lecture with too many PowerPoint slides that goes on and on and on...


The trainings I love the most are helping other therapists to develop their own skills and capacities.   I don't want to teach theories- I want to teach simple, concrete skills grounded in empirically-based formulations that help clinicians connect with the present moment, connect with clients and engage in the remarkable and challenging journey of therapy!

I provide a wide range of trainings for therapists but since 2020 I've been focusing on training therapists on how to effectively integrate mindfulness and self-compassion into their clinical work.  I'm one of the core expert faculty for the Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy (SCIP) certificate program sponsored by the Center For Mindful Self-Compassion.  I recently conducted a workshop for the San Francisco chapter of ACBS about integrating self-compassion into ACT; it was a wonderful experience!


I frequently provide trainings about resilience and other behavioral skills for diverse groups in Southeast Asia, including corporate staff and managers, as well as mental health and human resource professionals and NGOS. 

Current and former clients include the Thailand Department of Mental Health, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Veterans Health Administration (USA), Konterra, American Psychological Association, DFID, Save the Children UK, UN ESCAP, UN FAO, UNHCR, the Burnet Institute, Asian Institute of Technology, NOREC (formerly FK Norway), Asia Business Forum, CIMB Group, Chevron (Thailand), Unilever-Best Foods (Thailand), DST Global, and Pepsico, Thailand.  

Recent and past projects have included:

  • Develop and deliver data-driven, skill-focused online resilience training for thousands of participants from around the globe during COVID (2020-2022)

  • From 2007-2019, proud to support the Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC) by designing and annually delivering adjustment and resilience training curriculum for diverse global participants (picture below) from across Asia and Africa participating in NOREC's remarkable exchange programs.

  • Design and deliver on site trainings in Northern Iraq for ICRC personnel including brief therapy skills for medical staff and team leadership skills for team leaders and resilience training for team leaders and members (2019) 

  • Designing and implementing extended clinical training and supervision in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for mental health professionals at two of Thailand’s largest regional psychiatric hospitals, including culturally appropriate adaptation of concepts and techniques (2017)

  • For more examples, please see my facilitator profile above.


I also provide specialized training on mental health and behavioral topics for health care and consular personnel.  As a psychologist, I understand what goes in human behavior, and more importantly, what needs to happen to change behavior.  I have several years of experience providing training for Thai participants in English and in Thai.

I am currently an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Psychology in the Graduate School of Chiang Mai University.  From 2005-2016, I was a lecturer at the Graduate School of Psychology of Assumption University and director of the professional development program.


My work supports the personal and professional growth and development of others.  In addition to being a therapist and teacher, I am frequently involved in facilitating trainings for corporate and humanitarian clients on resilience, adjusting to change, managing uncertainty, and enhancing performance under stress.

All trainings for small groups and organizations are based on recent scientific research in neuroscience, positive psychology, contemplative reflection and applied mindfulness.

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